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October 2024

Thank you all so much for your donations to our crowdfunder over the summer. We haven’t quite hit our target to buy our own Zero Grazer machine, but the crowdfunder has helped hugely in hiring a Zero Grazer for this summer instead, to bring in freshly cut grass and also extra hay from a local organic farm. Without this help, we’re not sure how we would have got through this summer! The crowdfunder is still open to donations so hopefully we can top it up enough to still buy our own Zero Grazer going forward.As you may have noticed, our milk yield has dropped in recent weeks, meaning that we have occasionally been short of certain products, such as our raw butter. Our long-time customers will be familiar with this trend, as it is this time of year when the grass lacks sunlight, photosynthesises less, and thus loses a lot of its nutrition. The recent wet weather hasn't helped either. Our cows are still spending the day outside on the marsh to graze on what remains of the good grazing grass, but are now spending the nights inside to feed on the winter silage, and this is seeing a gradual increase in our milk yield again. The cows will be fully indoors for the winter in the coming weeks.



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